Monday, November 26, 2007


Okay, so he isn't Beowlf, he is a four year old with a plastice pirate sword and his daddy's Spangen Helm on. Still he look pretty happy to be wearing it doesn't he! He always wants to fight the big guys with a sword. Wheter at a War or at practice he wants to watch or be part of the fighting. Most of the time he grabs one of their swords but this time he brought one of his own.
Bravely battling his father! Just like Luke and Darth, except Sammy already knows Lee is his daddy and no ones loses a hand. Plus Darth didn't fight from his knees. So, really nothing like that.
Here Sammy has gotten tired of holding up his daddy's helm and the battle is over... for now. I see many more battles with swords in our future, but the good kind. Teen years spent taking his frustrations out on a pell in the back yard and father-son armoring projects. Fighting for mommy in the lists and fighting with daddy and his warband. Not typical events for most but for us it is my kind of thing to look forward too. He will learn to build and be proud of his work, to know when to fight and when not to, to learn honor, chivarly and courage. But for now he is a four year old with a plastic pirate sword and I wouldn't have it any other way.
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Williams Family Dirt said...

That is awesome!!

Jen Wolff said...

I'm seeing an awesome scrapbooking page coming on!

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