Monday, September 24, 2007

Tink the House Elf

Well Lola has moved on to another home (okay, okay, I took her her back to the pound after she used my down and brocade comforters as a litter box one too many times. I am only human after all people.) So while we were on vacation we got a call from Lauren that there was this little Chihuahua that needed a new home. Lee and I had talked about getting a dog, either Chihuahua or poodle and she was a great price. FREE! So we agreed to take her when we got home. We met her and we loved her at once. She took a little while to get used to us but she one of the family now. She has two beds... well three, two dog beds and one people bed. She sleeps at night between Lee and I. Her ears never stand up, and many of our Harry Potter fan friends commented she looks like a house elf. So she is or little house elf, loads of fun and a furry door bell. Anyone come to the house and they are gonna have to get an earful of her. She loves to ride in the car and hates to be far from her people. The photo doesn't do her justice but she is our not quite five pound bundle of fur and spunk.

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Mama Bear said...

Wow, your very own house elf! And so far no peeing on brocade, right?? I think you have definitely traded up here. Enjoy!

Tam said...

Tink is a really cute dog. Plus you can take her with you where ever you go!

I know what you mean about "messy" cats. We still have Abbie (remember?) and she has never gotten over us having kids and then moving to Denver. But she is so old by this point (almost 8) that I just can't think to give her away. She just is limited on where she can go. She doing okay now but I have a feeling it is just because I haven't found her new spot.

Good luck with your new dog. We will have to come by when we are in town next.

Jen Wolff said...

What a cutie! So will Sammy be Harry Potter for Halloween?


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